Look Good Naked

An app-based fitness program designed to help you achieve the ultimate goal of looking and feeling your best! Our approach focuses on workouts that improve overall health, strength, and mobility, keeping you injury-free and agile for your favorite activities.

Created by Max Kutler of Thrive Athletics, a fitness coach with nearly a decade of experience, former wide receiver at Widener University, and a competing CrossFit athlete for many years, this program is suitable for everyone. Max now focuses on one-on-one clients while programming for Green Berets at Fort Bragg. I have tested the program and will help implement it in the Jersey Shore area, bringing this effective training regimen to a wider audience for $50/mo.

We've designed Look Good Naked to be scalable, allowing you to modify the intensity of each workout based on your individual needs and fitness level. Our workouts are barbell-free, focusing on functional movements that enhance your overall health and fitness, preparing you for any physical activity you enjoy. This versatility is a key component of the program, ensuring that it remains engaging and effective for a diverse range of participants.

Remember, the key to success is consistency and dedication. Stick to the program, be mindful of your nutrition, and watch as your body transforms. You'll soon be proud to say that you truly Look Good Naked.

Ready to Look Good Naked?

Reach out to me via Instagram, Twitter, or email me at [email protected]